Key Questions to Ask Before You Engage Patients - Snow Companies

Key Questions to Ask Before You Engage Patients

July 17, 2015


Online: July 17, 2015

Print: July 2015

Expert on Call article by Corbin Wood



Patients and their loved-ones are the experts in their disease and they should be part of everything an agency and pharma client do. As a pharma company is looking for a prospective partner they should be focusing on the following: The agency is committed to working with patients; The agency uses dedicated resources with expertise to manage customers; Has expertise in finding the right people; Has developed patient programs that use real people;  Has the proper legal-regulatory expertise;  Is able to provide the proper support for patients that are their partners; Can prepare patients in proper ways to contribute information about their experience.  Patient Ambassadors can teach the company as much as the company can teach them.


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